Thank you for your interest in speaking with a tax professional.
In order to ensure we are able to direct you to the right department we ask that you answer these 3 questions. This will help us better connect you with a tax professional that specializes with your needs.
At KDA Inc, we have tax professionals who specialize in different areas of tax. 
We have an entire network of tax experts. 
To quickly find someone perfect for your situation, we ask that you fill out this short forum. 

Completing this quick survey will help us direct you to the best person for your needs.
Here is how our tax appointments work!
1. We will look at your application and analyze it to see if you qualify for a consultation. If the application is not accepted we will notify you. 

2. Upon acceptance of your application, we will look at how we can find hidden deduction opportunities you might be overlooking.

3. We will strategize with you to see how we can get you into the right tax bracket so we can keep more money in your pocket ethically.

4. Review your past tax returns and see if you left any money on the table and strategize how to get it back so you can get more money in your pocket once we get off the call! 

Consultations with our firm are in high demand, and we want to ensure we can reserve your consultation time with our tax experts to answer your questions and save you as much money as possible upon acceptance. 
4 Centerpointe Dr #310
La Palma, CA 90623
Monday – Friday
8 am – 5 pm (PT)
1 (800) 878-4051
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Apply for a strategy session
1. We will look at your application and analyze it to see if you qualify for a strategy session. If the application is not accepted we will notify you. 

2. Upon acceptance of your application, we will look at How we can find hidden deduction opportunities you might be overlooking

3. We will strategize with you to see how we can get you into the right tax bracket so we can keep more money in your pocket ethically

4. Review your past tax returns and see if you left any money on the table and strategize how to get it back so you can get more money in your pocket once we get off the call! 

Strategy sessions with our firm are in high demand, and we want to ensure we can reserve your time with our tax experts to answer your questions and save you as much money as possible upon acceptance.